WISE Power is a European project about the social acceptance of wind energy, aiming at significantly improving local engagement and support for wind turbines while enhancing local community participation in the planning and implementation of wind energy projects. More information on the project structure rationale and structure can be found under the expected results page.
Update on results
Bürgerwindpark Southern Ortenau wins the Best Community Project Award!
The WISE Power Best Community Project Award goes to the Bürgerwindpark Southern Ortenau in Baden-Württemberg. This award acknowledges the strong commitment to wind power and the approach of including local people in wind projects.
The ceremony took place at the Wind Europe Summit 2016 in Hamburg on 29 September during the WISE Power final event, entitled ‘Yes in My Backyard’.
Projects and communities across the EU could take part with operational wind energy projects commissioned since 2010 and projects currently under construction. The winner was selected from a number of 12 projects from Croatia, Spain, Belgium, France, United Kingdom (Scotland) and Germany.
“The Bürgerwindpark Southern Ortenau has convinced us with an innovative concept,” said jury member Oliver Frank, Head of Renewable Energy and Energy-efficient mobility at dena. He also adds “the example shows how wind energy can become an inclusive community project in and for a region.”

Winner of the award! Credit @WindEurope
- Nominations for the Best Community Award are now closed. The awarded project will be soon communicated. The final price will be given during the final event of the WISE Power project in Hamburg on 29 September 2016, namely Yes in My Backyard session! The awarded project will be soon communicated!
- The second WISE Power workshop took place on 15 June 2016 within the EU Sustainable Week 2016. WindEurope/WISE Power together with Greenpeace, REScoop.eu, and the EU Commission joined forces to highlight the role of citizens and communities in the Energy Union. The event gathered more than 120 participants. More information can be obtained upon request.
- WE Engage – an online tool for onshore wind farm developers and industry stakeholders to engage with local communities on permitting and planning of wind sites. NOW available as well in French, Italian and Spanish!
- The first WISE Power workshop, under the patronage of EU Sustainable Energy Week attracted 38 participants among which wind project developers, local and regional municipalities and other stakeholders. For more information visit the Events page.
- The second test exercise in Warsaw was a success attracting 15 participants. For more information please the summary.
- The ‘Report on innovative financing models for wind projects, expected to be supportive of social acceptance‘ is now online.
- The report on the ‘Status quo of social acceptance strategies and practices in the wind industry‘ is now available.
- The project leaflet (WP6) is now available several languages: English, Français, Italiano, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Español, Româna, Danske, ελληνικά. and Nederlands